"It's TOO expensive to buy right now."

So, should you wait until prices reduce more?

As we know, markets fluctuate. They go up and they go down.

Do you confidently know when prices will bottom out?

I don't. The most savvy of investors don't.

But we know when it makes sense to buy. When you're ready!

And what to do once you've purchased a property.

Get in when you can and hold it for as long as you can.

⏰"Timing the market isn’t nearly as important as TIME IN THE MARKET." 

Here's a little story:

A Realtor I know was ready to buy but then COVID hit. 

So she decided to wait because she figured the prices were going to drop. 

Big mistake!

The market did the exact opposite of what she assumed.

She ended up buying for $100,000 more then if she'd bought at the time she was ready.

When it comes to deciding when to buy, look at your own financial situation and consider your long-term goals. 

Trying to time the market is a gamble.

If you want to buy, but don't know if you will get approved for a mortgage, reach out to me and I'll connect you with one of my trusted mortgage brokers.